About The Enthusiast

All I need is a salad... (photo: Angie Lipscomb)

Hi there! I'm Leigh K. Hoopes, a writer and strategist, but above all else, I'm an enthusiast.

I started writing The Enthusiast in August 2022 because I wanted to write about things I loved on a regular basis instead of only writing occasionally when I'm upset or angry at the world falling to bits around us.

I know I should be more "targeted" and "focused" on a single topic or theme for The Enthusiast to "be successful", but that's just not how my brain works. I love so many things and people and places and experiences, there's absolutely no way I would ever be able to pick just one to write about. So each week, I pick five things I've loved and would recommend to everybody, along with some bonus goodies, interesting articles, and whatever else is living in my head rent-free that week.

Here are just a few things I loved in 2022: One Weird Trick for Cleaning a Thermal Coffee CarafePickups For VetsCat Magic PunksPapermate Flairs

And here's where you can currently find me elsewhere on the Internet:

📸 Instagram
🧑‍💻 LinkedIn
✍🏻 Medium

Subscriptions to the The Enthusiast are currently free for everyone, so you'll have full access to the archivem, commenting on each post, and email newsletters featuring new posts when you sign up. Thank you for reading and enjoy!

Enthusiastically yours,

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