seasons Just Spring Things Have some classic Hollywood schmaltz, a traditional Jewish soup made with schmaltz, successful TV reboots, and all Barbie everything!
drag Get Into the Zing of It Wake up from your hibernation with fiery spring celestial energy, the comfort of a good brain puzzle, and turning up and turning out for local drag!
tv Let the Sun Shine In Nurse your DST hangover with vintage gameshows, Oscar villainy, bizarre Swedish indie pop, and more!
links A Farewell to Vibes: 2022 Recap Linkstravaganza One last hurrah for 2022—a month-by-month recap of the year in links.
essay Winter Solstice: A Holiday from The Holidays™️ Every year, after we fall back from the end of Daylight Savings, I find myself suddenly exhausted. I say suddenly only because I become…
activism Traditions to be Thankful For It's a holiday week and what have I been up to? Oh, not much, just questioning my relationship to "traditions" as an adult living in a constant state of apocalypse-adjacent anxiety. It’s a Hierophant year for me, which means you either lean into tradition or
libra Loving for Libra Season For 9/24(ish), let's feel some Libra love, get spooky, be aware, and much more!
yoga Loving Now: You Take the Yin, You Take the Yang For 9/17, we've got cats, music, pens, yoga, and makeup, cool late summer breezes and some actual good takes on the whole work/life/whatever thing. Relax and dig in!